Hiwheel "Classic" Boneshaker Replicas
Our hiwheelers come in both the Classic and the Standard models. The Classic model shown on this page is radially spoked and features an antique-style saddle. The Standard Boneshaker features tangential spoking and is modeled after hiwheels made after 1885.
Before ordering, please also see our Size Recommendations & Assembled Dimensions
Need something smaller? Be sure to visit our Mini-Hiwheel page.

< "Classic" Hiwheel
- Classic 38", 48", 50", or 52"
- Black powder coat hub & front rim
- Radial spokes
- Original style hammock saddle (leather) with spring & clamp
- Torpedo style grips
- Original style frame/fork geometry
- Solid rubber tires
- 16" Rear wheel with Phil Wood rear hub, zinc spokes
- 3 hole crank, & bowl bell standard
- Weight approx. 34 lbs. (48" model)
38" - $1485.00
48" - $1649.00
50" - $1749.00
52" - $1849.00
Plus shipping, handling, & taxes where applicable.

Close up of the Classic Hiwheel handlebars